Одоогоор мэдэгдэл алга байна

Үндсэн хувилбар

Вэлүү Сан

  • Ажлын байрны зар
  • Манай компани
  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл


1,800,000 - 2,100,000 MNT   /Monthly/
CV илгээх

Job description

The purpose of this position is to maintain and interpret all company financial records. Assuring the accuracy of a variety of financial tasks crucial to the success of our business, including invoicing and collecting accounts receivable, performing weekly reconciliation of accounts, and handling year-end tax reporting activities. As a go-to financial expert, the accounting professional will help identify areas for streamlining processes and achieving greater efficiencies while assisting with the smooth daily operations of the organization’s financial excellence.



  • Oversee all accounts, ledgers, and reporting systems ensuring compliance with appropriate standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Maintain internal control and safeguards for receipt of revenue, costs, and program budgets and actual expenditures.
  • Supervise and assist accounting team from Narnii Huuhduud to ensure that all funds from Veloo Foundation and other funding sources are being disbursed appropriately and in compliance with the mission and goal of the project and in accordance with Mongolian law.
  • Ensure timely and accurate payroll for Veloo Foundation employees in accordance with Mongolian law.
  • Coordinate all audit activity.
  • Support fundraising initiatives of the organization through accurate cost/benefit analysis and ROI calculations in timely manner.
  • Consistently analyze financial data and present financial reports in an accurate and timely manner; clearly communicate monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements; monitor progress and changes and keep senior leadership abreast of Veloo Foundation's financial status.
  • Assist Veloo Foundation leadership in the annual budgeting and planning process; administer and review all financial plans and compare to actual results with a view to identify, explain, and correct variances as appropriate.
  • Coordinate with Veloo Foundation finance committee to provide all necessary documents and reports in the format requested by the committee.
  • Manage organizational cash flow forecasting; continuously collaborate with program managers to assess the financial efficacy of program operations and establish finance and administrative systems to support program operations.
  • Support proposal development in project budget planning and reporting.
  • Oversee all financial, project/program and grants accounting; ensure that expenditures are consistently aligned with grant and program budgets throughout the grant/fund period; collate financial reporting materials for government, corporate, and foundation grants.
  • Ensure timely and accurate completion of bookkeeping tasks while demonstrating a keen eye for detecting numerical errors.

Job requirements

Requirements and skills

  • Work experience as an Accountant
  • Excellent knowledge of accounting regulations and procedures in Mongolia including the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
  • Advanced MS Excel skills including pivot tables
  • Hands-on experience with accounting software like QuickBooks would be advantage.
  • Experience with general ledger functions
  • Strong attention to detail and good analytical skills
  • BSc in Accounting, Finance or relevant degree

Additional information


Other details

LocationUlaanbaatar city, Khan-Uul district
FieldPublic Services, NGOs

Contact info


Job advertisement posted date

2024-06-24 12:10

Click here to view detailed information of the company

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