Participate in the system analysis and design of SAP projects, capable of completing detailed design, coding, testing, and deployment tasks, ensuring project progress and quality;
Flexibly support business while having a certain understanding of system performance, stability, etc;
Able to undertake code review work, ensuring the reliability and correctness of relevant code;
Deeply understand business requirements and architecture, identify system risks, design stability and fault tolerance solutions;
Complete the writing of technical documents related to the work
-Bachelor's degree or above in computer science or related fields;
-More than 8 years of experience in Java application system development, with priority given to those with experience in cloud platform development;
-Have experience in developing SAP hybrids/commerce; Familiar with the development of modules such as hybrid wems, hac, and backoffice;
-With a solid foundation in Java programming, proficient in frameworks such as Spring MVE, Spring -Boot, Spring Cloud, etc., have led the development and deployment of individual projects, front-end and back-end separation projects, and microservice projects;
-Familiar with using tools such as Git, Jenkins, Nginx, microservices deployment, CI/CD, etc;5ъ
-Familiar with front-end technologies such as HTML/css/JS, jquery, React/Vue/AngularA framework, with experience in SAP UI5/Fiori development is preferred;
-Master common commands and databases (SQLServer, OracleMysql), proficient in using SQL language;
-Master the design and coding of multithreading and high-performance, as well as performance tuning;
-Master the use of Docker, K8S, microservices, AWS, and SAP BTP;
-Strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit, with good communication and expression skills;
-Having a spirit of research and exploration, with a strong thirst for knowledge and learning ability in new fields.
* Бид хамтдаа сурдаг хөгждөг найрсаг, эрч хүчтэй залуу хамт олон / Шинэ ажилтанд зориулсан сургалтууд, Мэргэжлийн багштай англи хэлний сургалтууд, Албан тушаалуудад зориулсан Амжилтын эхлэл, Туршлага өсөлт хөгжил сургалт хөтөлбөрүүд, Мэргэжлийн ур чадварын сургалтууд, Бид Наночууд арга хэмжээ зэрэг олон сургалт, хөтөлбөр, үйл ажиллагаануудад хамрагдах боломжтой /
* Өрсөлдөхүйц цалин /Албан тушаал бүр цалингийн зэрэглэлээр цалин ахих боломжтой+ Ажлын гүйцэтгэлээс хамаарсан урамшуулал+хоол, унааны нэмэгдэл /
* Ажилтнуудынхаа эрүүл мэндийг дэмжих олон төрлийн үйл ажиллагаа / Нано Усан сэлэлтийн клуб, ууланд алхалт /
Компанийн дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэлтэй энд дарж танилцана уу.