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Үндсэн хувилбар

Huawei Technologies LLC

  • Ажлын байрны зар
  • Манай компани
  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл
Site Engineer - wireless

Acceptance for site installation, manage sites, lead subcon teams, visit site for quality assurance, perform on-site audit, guide installation teams

Site Engineer - Solar

As an ICT network technical expert, responsible for technical work during customer network planning, construction, maintenance, optimization, and operation, and supports the business success of customers and the company. Design end-to-end product service solutions, take the lead in system integration of delivery solutions, and ensure successful project delivery and stable network operation. Design and optimize at least one of wireless/access/transmission/IP networks, formulate and implement technical solutions, and improve network quality and service experience. Build the serviceability of product solutions, design forward-looking serviceability solutions based on network and product evolution, and achieve low-cost, high-quality, and digital delivery.

Remote PCM

Responsible for PR/PO creation, site creation on SIMS,  creation activity flow, DU ID,  create table with WBS in ISDP,  Organize meeting with DOC

Datacom engineer

Equipment hardware installation, software installation, commissioning. Equipment management and maintenance. Implementing project engineering process, including hardware and software supervision, acceptance test. Implement of site survey and achieving survey report Supporting as Interface with engineering partner to locate technical problems that may arise during the engineering process Responsible for technical support service to customer or partner independently or jointly with a technical support team Onsite support in case of major or critical problems Responsible for handling technical cases on ticket system and keep tracking these problems during the whole resolving process Follow up issues that may arise during activities Customer communication and workshops Bidding support on project engineering and technical service related part

Auto pilot test engineer of mining

1) Troubleshooting for the network problems of the self-driving vehicle system. 2) Technical guidance and verification for ODD environment requirements. 3) Technical guidance on hardware calibration and maintenance at the receiving end, technical guidance on functions and use of the driverless software system, and guidance on testing and verification of marshalling functions. (4) Customer technical contact interface in delivery phase, and technical issue management in our side.    

Site power & Data center Facility engineer

As an ICT network technical expert, responsible for technical work during customer network planning, construction, maintenance, optimization, and operation, and supports the business success of customers and the company.1. Design end-to-end product service solutions, take the lead in system integration of delivery solutions, and ensure successful project delivery and stable network operation.2. Design and optimize at least one of wireless/access/transmission/IP networks, formulate and implement technical solutions, and improve network quality and service experience.3. Build the serviceability of product solutions, design forward-looking serviceability solutions based on network and product evolution, and achieve low-cost, high-quality, and digital delivery.

IT engineer

1. Provide technical support services for IT projects. As the TE, be responsible for the E2E delivery of IT projects, ensure the achievement of project objectives. 2. Provide technical assurance for onsite delivery of IT product and solution projects; identify and resolve 3. delivery risks and issues; assume key project responsibilities; provide support in the ramp-up stage to support smooth delivery.

Хүний нөөцийн мэргэжилтэн

Бараа бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл болон хямдрал урамшууллын мэдээллийг цаг тухайд нь хэрэглэгчдэд танилцуулах, борлуулах Байгууллагын борлуулалтын төлөвлөгөөг бүрэн ханган ажиллах Салбар дэлгүүрийн барааны өрөлт, өнгө үзэмжийг тогтмол хянах сайжруулах Салбарын бусад ажилчидтай нягт уялдаж ажиллах Хэрэглэгчдийн санал хүсэлтийг цуглуулж санал хүсэлтээ маркетинг болон борлуулалтын ажилтнуудад дамжуулах

Худалдааны зөвлөх

Бараа бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл болон хямдрал урамшууллын мэдээллийг цаг тухайд нь хэрэглэгчдэд танилцуулах, борлуулах Байгууллагын борлуулалтын төлөвлөгөөг бүрэн ханган ажиллах Салбар дэлгүүрийн барааны өрөлт, өнгө үзэмжийг тогтмол хянах сайжруулах Салбарын бусад ажилчидтай нягт уялдаж ажиллах Хэрэглэгчдийн санал хүсэлтийг цуглуулж санал хүсэлтээ маркетинг болон борлуулалтын ажилтнуудад дамжуулах

Intern at Delivery and Service Department

Engage in ongoing project delivery in Mongolia and contribute to the successful delivery of the project.

Холбоо барих

Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Баянгол дүүрэг, Баянгол дүүрэг, 2-р хороо, Үндсэн хуулийн гудамж-24, Рокмон бюлдинг-409

Фэйсбүүк хуудас

Монголын иргэн бүрд ажлын байр!.


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