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O2 Майнинг Лтд

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About O2 Mining

​O2 Mining and it’s subsidiaries represented by our Managing Director, Mr. Julien Lawrence is proud of our collective achievements in the mining and construction industry of Mongolia to date.

O2 Mining Limited is a Hong Kong registered company established in 2013 with investment from both Australia and China to provide mine consulting and project development and management services to mines throughout Asia, with a key focus in Central Asia.

Through its 100% owned Mongolian subsidiary, Fountain Resources, we are partnered with international experts and trusted local suppliers to provide specialized services to the Mongolian mining market. Fountain Resources and O2 Mining offer services such as mining engineering, project development, mining construction, mining operations and maintenance, with a strong commitment to maximize the stakeholder value in everything we do.

We are a group of professionals committed to the highest standards in Health, Safety and Environmental Management emanating a culture of respect for our colleagues and the community in which we work. O2 Mining is a company that has an unwavering ambition to deliver value to our clients and partners every step of the way.

Our missionis to deliver supreme shareholder value by cultivating unique partnerships and diligently applying our construction and mining systems and expertise to attain maximum returns for all stakeholders safely and sustainably with the highest of standards embedded within the organization to provide value to all stakeholders of our projects.
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