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Monconsult LLC is consulting firm, work-ing together other firms, non-government organizations and local consultants to provide technical assistance in the conduct of projects in developing countries. The focus is on development and improving the general welfare of people living in emerging, transitional and developing countries. The approach is through “partnership” in recognition that the participation of the most appropriate teams on projects will achieve the best sustainable results for beneficiaries.

The Experience

Our Consultant team is familiar with international tendering procedures and the preparation and evaluation of relevant documentation. We recognize the value of real experience and so retain and constantly hire consultants with a genuine depth of expertise sectors where they operate.
Our Consultant team is committed to continuous improvement through the attainment of quality standards. We are organized to ensure our clients benefit fully from our commitment to excellence.

The Approach

Our Consultants are driven by client-focused tradition. As a result, we are able to provide practical, cost effective service to clients. We strongly value the following approaches:

  • Building on experience and what already exists
  • Consultation and Participation
  • Learning by doing
  • Communicate in ways that are informative, inclusive, appropriate, transpar-ent and non-judgmental
  • Encourage and assist all staff to continually develop their knowledge, skills, and expertise
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Холбоо барих

Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Баянзүрх дүүрэг, БЗД, 14-р хороо, Намяанжүгийн гудамж 4/1 Монконсалт ХХК байр

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