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ЛийманЛоу Монгол ХХН

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Commercial Legal Services for Mongolia


LehmanLaw Mongolia LLP is one of the first and only international law firms with a presence in Mongolia.The firm is staffed with qualified attorneys who are all fully acquainted and experienced with Mongolia’s laws and legal system, business climate and political affairs.All of our Mongolian attorneys have either trained or been educated overseas and all are fluent in English.

With over 18 years of experience in Mongolia, we take pleasure assisting both foreign and domestic companies, government organizations, NGOs and individuals in the following areas:

Minerals and Mining

Licensing and Permitting

Corporate and Commercial

Banking and Finance


Due Diligence and Legal Compliance

Construction and Infrastructure

Registration and Regulatory Affairs

Real Estate

International Trade & Customs


Non-Governmental Organizations

Litigation and Dispute Resolution


Our client base is predominately commercial with the majority of our domestic clients involved in the mining, banking and real estate sectors. We have worked directly with the Ministry of Mining, the Mineral Resource Authority of Mongolia, the State Specialized Inspection Agency, the Railway Authority, and the General Department of Taxation together with other governmental implementing agencies.

Over the past three years our firm has conducted several large scale legal due diligence investigations and rendered legal opinions on transactions ranging from US$10 to $500 million in value.

Representing our diverse client base, in the last few years we have worked on projects involving cross-border trade between China, Mongolia and Russia; the importing and exporting of coal, petroleum and other natural resources; domestic and international highway and railway construction, permitting and regulation; major power supply routing, permitting and regulation to mining facilities; loan, facility and operating agreements for mining companies; construction due diligence, advising, permitting and licensing for several large-scale projects; cross-border transactional document drafting and advising; internal banking and regulatory document drafting and advising; and advising on sub-contracting, labor, social insurance and tax law.

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Холбоо барих

Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 1-р хороо, Жамьян гүний гудамж, Марко Поло Ордон

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